2007 Nielsen, GH
Ein duales Berichtswesen für die Pflege?
Perspektiven für eine einrichtungsübergreifende internetbasierte
Versorgungsforschung in der Pflege
In: Emmenwerth E, Lauterbach A , Lysser M, Schrader U, Editors. ENI 2007.
Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Congress for Nursing Informatics. 2. -4.
Mai, 2007. Innsbruck, Schweiz. Hungen: Pr-internet. 2007.
2006 Nielsen, GH
Sprache und Pflegeklassifikation
In: Schnell, Zegelin (Hrsg.) Tagungsband der 2.
Tagung Sprache und Pflege. 14. und 15. Oktober 2005
(In Press)
2003 Nielsen GH.
Enabling a Clinical Application with a Terminology Tool in a Standard-based Nursing
Information System.
In: Marin HF, editor. NI2003. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress for
Nursing Informatics; 2003 June 20-25; Rio de Janairo, Brazil.
2002 Nielsen GH.
Beispiele der statistischen Auswertung einer ICNP-basierten elektronischen
Pflegedokumentation: Pflegediagnosen, -Interventionen und –Ergebnisse.
In: Emmenwerth E, Lauterbach A , Lysser M, Schrader U, editors. ENI 2002.
Proceedings of the 1. International Scientific Congress for Nursing Informatics; 2002
Sep 27-28; Zürich, Schweiz. Hungen: Pr-internet.
2002 Nielsen GH.
ICNP-Architektur und Systematik.
In: Hinz M, Dörre, F König P, Tackenberg P Hrsg. ICNP. Internationale Klassifikation
für die Pflegepraxis. Bern: Hans Huber Verlag. 2002. p. 23-41
2002 Nielsen GH, Dörre F, Hinz M, Laux H.
Herausforderungen an ICNP nach Telenurse
In: Hinz M, Dörre, F König P, Tackenberg P, Hrsg. ICNP Internationale Klassifikation
für die Pflegepraxis. Bern: Hans Huber Verlag. 2002. p. 43-48
2002 Nielsen GH.
Integration of a Standard-Based Nursing Record.
In: Grimson B, ed. SynEx - A standards based middleware architectural approach to
building healthcare information systems. Amsterdam: IOS-Press. In progress
2002 Nielsen GH.
Towards Exploitation of Telematic Applications for Nurses.Amsterdam: IOS-
In: Werft A, ed. Healthcare Reforms by ICT.
Amsterdam: IOS-Press. In progress
2002 Nielsen GH, Mortensen RA.
Introduction to ICNP
In: Mantas J, Hasman A, editors. Textbook in Health Informatics. A Nursing
Perspective. Amsterdam: IOS-PRESS; 2002. p. 45-98
2001Nielsen GH.
Internationale Zukunftsperspektiven von Klassifikationssysteme
In: Pflegediagnosen und die Internationale Klassifikation pflegerischer Praxis
Hrsg. Birgit S. Etzel, Kohlhammer Verlag Stuttgart, 2002
Sendt 19. juli 2001. In Progress.
2001Nielsen GH.
Europäische Standards für Pflegeterminologien – Was is das ?
In: PR-INTERNET, 2001; 9
2001Connie Delaney, Heimar F.Marin, Gunnar H.Nielsen, Roberto J.Roderigues,
Jean Yan, eds..
Contribution to the publication: Building Standard-Based Nursing Information
Washington:PAHO/WHO, 2001
2001Nielsen, GH.
Die Internationale Klassifikation Pflegerischer Praxis – ICNP
Pflegebereich, 2001:3
2000 Nielsen GH.
Et fælles fagsprog for sygepleje?
In: Klinisk Sygepleje, praksis og udvikling, redig. af Pia Ramhøj, Ingrid Egerod, Jens
Taleman, Akademisk Forlag, 2000
2000 Nielsen GH, Mortensen RA.
ICNP® Tid til resultater. Fortløbende kvalitetsudvikling. En pilotundersøgelse.
In: Mortensen RA, Nielsen GHN, red. ICNP – broen mellem praksis og forskning.
København: DISS, 2000
2000 Mortensen RA, Nielsen GH.
Strukturering af sygeplejedata i elektroniske sundhedsplejejournaler ved hjælp af den
internationale Klassifikation for Sygeplejepraksis (ICNP)
In: Mortensen RA, Nielsen GHN, red. ICNP - broen mellem praksis og forskning.
København: DISS, 2000
2000 Nielsen GH.
ICNP: Von der Alpha zur Beta
In: PR-INTERNET, 2000; 5
2000 Nielsen GH.
In: Pflegediagnosen und die Internationale Klassifikation pflegerischer Praxis (ICNP
Hrsg. Birgit S. Etzel, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag, 2000
2000 Nielsen GH.
Die ICNP - die Entwicklung von der Alpha- zur Beta-Version
In: Pflegediagnosen und die Internationale Klassifikation pflegerischer Praxis (ICNP
Hrsg. Birgit S. Etzel, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag, 2000
1999 Nielsen GH.
Telenurse Introduction to ICNP
Public deliverable of project HC4029: Telematic Applications for Nurses: Integration
and Dissemination of European Nursing Terminology in Information TechnologY
(TelenurseID-ENTITY). Copenhagen: DIHNR., 1999
1999 Nielsen GH, Mortensen RA.
ICNP. Time for outcomes. Continuos quality development. A pilot study
In: Mortensen RA (ed) ICNP® and Telematic Applications for Nurses in Europe.
Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1999: 79-103
1998 Nielsen GH. Mortensen RA
Introduction to ICNP
In: Mantas, J. (Ed) Health Informatics Education. Amsterdam, IOS Press, 1998
1998 Nielsen GH, Mortensen RA.
The Architecture of ICNP. Time for outcomes.
Part II
In: International Nursing Review 1998; 45(1): 27-31
1997 Nielsen GH, Mortensen RA.
The Architecture of ICNP. Time for outcomes.
Part I
In: International Nursing Review 1997; 44(6): 182-188, 176
1997 Nielsen GH.
The architecture of ICNP
In: Mortensen RA ed. ICNP in Europe. Telenurse. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1997: 13-
1997 Nielsen GH.
Classification and Coding
In: Mantas J, ed. Health telematics education. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1997.
1997 Nielsen GH.
Telematics and ethics.
In: Mantas J, ed. Health telematics education. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1997.
1997 Nielsen GH, Mortensen RA.
Structuring Nursing Data in Electronic Health Care Records Using the International
Classification forNursing Practice (ICNP)
In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Electronic Health Care Records,
Paris 1998, Amterdam: IOS Press 1998
1997 Nielsen GH.
Introduktion til ICNP under hensyntagen til SKS
Copenhagen: DISS, 1997.
1997 Nielsen GH.
Measuring Nursing
In: Nursing in Europe. A resource for better health. Geneve: WHO, 1997. (WHO
regional publications. European series; no. 74): 241-255
1996 Nielsen GH.
ICNP (International Classification for Nursing Practice). Ein internationaler Beitrag zur
Entwicklung einer einheitlichen Fachsprache
In: Bundesausschuss der Länderarbeitsgeschaften der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer für
Pflegeberufe. Tagundsband 6. Bundestagund 22. – 24. Mai 1996. Stadthalle
Fürth/Bayern. 1996: 43-54
1996 Nielsen GH, Mortensen RA.
The architecture for an international classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP)
In: International Nursing Review 1996; 43(6): 175-82
1996 Nielsen GH.
PART I. Telenurse introduction
In: The International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) with TELENURSE
introduction. Alpha version. Copenhagen: Danish Institute for Health and Nursing
Research, 1996: 13-122
1996 Mortensen RA, Nielsen GH.
PART II. The international classification for nursing practice ICNP
In: The International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) with TELENURSE
introduction. Alpha version. Copenhagen: Danish Institute for Health and Nursing
Research, 1996: 123-342
1996 Nielsen GH.
Den internationale klassifikation for sygeplejepraksis ICNP
In: Den internationale klassifikation for sygeplejepraksis. København: Dansk Institut
for Sundheds- og Sygeplejeforskning, 1996: 57-214
1995 Nielsen GH, Mortensen RA.
Telenurse: Telematics applications for nurses. The nursing research potential of
electronic health care records and the role of nursing research centres in Europe
Copenhagen: The Danish Institute for Health and Nursing Research, 1995
1995 Nielsen GH.
Entwicklungsverfahren von Pflegediagnosen. Erfahrungen des Dänischen Institutes
für Gesundheits- und Pflegeforschung
In: Werkstattheft Pflegediagnosen. Eschborn: DBfk-Verlag, 1995
1995 Nielsen GH.
Entwicklungsverfahren von Pflegediagnosen. Erfahrungen des Dänischen Institutes
für Gesundheits- und Pflegeforschung
September 1992-Mai 1993. Erweitere Fassung eines Referates der vom Agnes Karll
Institut für Pflegeforschung am 6.4.1995 veranstalteten Tagung “Pflegediagnosen –
Irrweg oder Effectives Instrument professioneller Pflegepraxis?” Copenhagen: DISS,
1995 Nielsen GH.
Logical Analysis of action sentences as a means of classifying nursing interventions
In: Abstracts from the 2nd European conference on nursing diagnosis and nursing
interventions. May 18-20. 1995. Brussels. Leo Managements. Amsterdam, 1995
1995 Nielsen GH.
Diagnostic labels in nursing and their sematics
In: Mortensen RA, ed. Proceeding of the first European Conference on Nursing
Diagnoses. Copenhagen: The Danish Institute for Health and Nursing Research,
1995: 70-94
1995 Mortensen RA, Nielsen GH.
In: Laires MF, Ladeira MJ, Christensen JP, eds. Health in the new communications
age. Amsterdam: IOS Press 1995: 115-126.
1995 Holm S, Nielsen GH, Norup M, Vegner A, Andreasen PH.
Changes in moral reasoning and the teaching of medical ethics
In: Medical Education 1995; 29: 490-3
1994 Mortensen RA, Nielsen GH.
TELENURSING: European classification of nursing practice with regard to patient
problems, nursing interventions and patient outcome, including educational
In: Computers Methods Programs and Biomedicine. 1994 Oct; 45(1-2): 171-3
1994 Mortensen R, Mantas J, Manuela M, Sermeus W, Nielsen GH, McAvinue E.
Telematics for health care in the European Union
In: Grobe SJ, Pluyter-Wenting ESP, eds. Nursing Informatics. An international
overview for nursing in a technological era. Proceedings of the fifth IMIA international
conference on nursing use of computers and information science, San Antonio,
Texas, USA, June 17-22, 1994: 750-2
1994 Nielsen GH.
Klinisk Resultatkvalitet i sygeplejen. Forslag til principper for udvikling, etablering og
anvendelse af landsdækkende databaser for klinisk resultatkvalitet i sygeplejen
København: Dansk Institut for Sundheds- og Sygeplejeforskning, 1994
1994 Nielsen GH, Mortensen RA.
“TELENURSING”: vol. 1-5
Vol. I. Documentation of the Nursing Process by Computers in Europe.
Vol. II. Definition, Coding and Classification of the Nursing process in Europe.
Vol. III. Nursing and Standardization Efforts in Health Care Informatics in Europe.
Vol. IV. Nursing Minimum Data Sets in Europe
Public Deliverable of the EU-R&D project Telenursing. Advanced Informatics in
Health Care. DG. XIII. Copenhagen: Danish Institute for Health and Nursing
Research, 1994
1994 Mortensen RA, Nielsen GH.
Nursing terminology as a means of identifying nursing diagnoses. Basic level
diagnostic categories in nursing
In: Vård i Norden 1994; 14(4): 5-13
1994 Mortensen RA, Nielsen GH.
Concerted action TELENURSING
In: Henry SB, Holzemer WL, Tallberg M, Grobe SJ, eds. Informatics. The
infrastructure for quality assessment improvement in nursing. Proceedings of the
Fifth International Nursing Informatics Symposium Post-Conference. Austin, Texas,
June 24-25 1994. San Francisco: UC Press 1994: 35-45
1994 Nielsen GH
The nursing research potential of electronic health care records and the role of
nursing research centres in Europe
Project proposal to the 4th Framework Programme for RTD of the EU 1995-1998:
Telematics for Health Care. DG.XIII. Copenhagen: Danish Institute for Health and
Nursing Research, 1994
1993 Nielsen GH.
Diagnostic Labels in Nursing and their Semantics.
In: Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Nursing Diagnoses.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-22 November, 1993